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2016 - 2017 STUDENTS


LKC M2, Project Head 2017, 

Bung 2016 & 2017

I have served as Project Aasha’s OCIP head for AY 17/18. I am immensely grateful for having had the opportunity to lead a team of wonderful individuals up the steep hills of Nepal to serve the Bung community, despite the precious welcome gift (read: Gastroenteritis) that greeted me!


Back home, I enjoy long distance running (despite my poor knees screaming in agony), and I am currently wondering which mountain in South East Asia should be next of my list to be conquered! Alternatively, I could use the time to sleep more.

Chen Wen Hao

LKC M2, Vice Project Head 2017, 

Gorkha 2016 & 2017

Hi I am Wen Hao, one of the newest batch of volunteers on board Project Aasha. What sets this project apart from other overseas community involvement projects, is its emphasis on medical aid and our belief in reaching out to the neediest population in Nepal. As a medical student in Singapore, the trip has opened my eyes to the dire needs of quality medical care in the rural populations of Nepal. Many of the patients that we saw have delayed proper treatment for years, due to financial constraints, and poor access to healthcare. Having grown up in Singapore, I learnt these are the things that I have taken for granted, and never worried about.

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Wong Wei Cong


Gorkha 2016 & 2017

I’ve been with Project Aasha since 2016, co-leading the team to Gorkha in March 2018! Since joining the project, I am heartened to see it grow organically, and attracting like-minded individuals with the desire to effect sustainable, palpable change. I’m inspired by the doctors who have devoted themselves to this cause, and what draws me to the project remains unchanged – experiencing first hand medical work in remote, underprivileged communities, which I hope to engage in in the future!


In my free time, I enjoy writing short pieces and running long distances!

Samuel Fong


Gorkha 2016, Bung 2017

As the former Head for Overseas Community Involvement Projects in LKCSoM Students’ Medical Society, I believe that such exposure to overseas programs provide medical students with a more holistic development in their hearts and minds to become competent and caring doctors! 


I am an avid runner who enjoys travelling, photography and squash.

Marc Dany


Bung 2017

I joined Project Aasha to not only see the world, but also to experience the hardships and healthcare system of a rural and less developed environment! I believe that OCIPs should be about volunteerism instead of ‘voluntourism’, and that Project Aasha achieves this by targeting the remote village community of Bung, which is relatively untouched by other aid organizations.


Although this is an overseas project, I actually dislike travelling.

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Melvin Lim


Bung 2017

As one of the pioneers of Project Aasha, I enjoy the challenge of setting up a sustainable OCIP and engaging in community work to help the less fortunate by providing medical education and aid! Because of Project Aasha, Nepal has and will always hold a special place in my heart because of the people and the sheer beauty of the country!


In my free time, I enjoy reading, sports and travelling!

Claire Ng

SIT Physiotherapy Y3, 

Bung 2017

Project Aasha was a unique OCIP where I not only got the chance to do something meaningful, but also got the opportunity to work with a medical team closely. It offered me a great insight on a different healthcare system and provided me with the opportunity to be creative while interacting with the villagers during physiotherapy sessions. It was a valuable experience that brought me back to the fundamental reason in pursuing a healthcare career; do good and bring hope to peoples' lives.

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